yay i reely been wanting to play as doise and can you add side atacks like super smash bros did i think it could be a cool thing and what is doise moveset
Is there a github/gitlab repo for submitting/tracking issues? Or do we just post stuff in the comments here? Awesome work so far! Would love to help out by submitting issues and such , just wanted to verify the best way to do that.
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this should be used in smash bros
when is update
can you add add online pls
when will the update come out pls just be faster
sorry i was high i forgot to work on the update XD
its ok btw im uriah i just had to get a new acaount bc i lost my other one
hi just gamerboythebest here again i had to change my acount bc idk but just know that i am gamer boy the best
will the demo have the doise plz add him
yes soon
Will this have online?
hoowe id s the sdo ing th at
love this games music
when is the new update coming out
Workin on it
oh ok its just taking so long that i could be dead
This is nice add pizzahead and pizzaface to game with new stages:oregano dessert and oh s###!
Imagine, Peppino just seeing the Ditto in Smash Bros and be like:
erm achale ditto is from pokamon
Ye but there is a chance that you get a ditto from trhowing a pokeball in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
i know but i know ditto from pokamon
I got a question is ditto melty or squishy? Like if he was melty he would be like Fake Pappino but if not he would a ducking ball
i hope you can add pepperman
im pretty sure they wont add him
they said why in their twitter
i did it
i did to
it ez
man, im so good at this game
how did you got that many lives!?!?!?
i have no idea and i do not remember
i took this screenshot a while back so uhh yea
Doise is texting open laptop
Doise is texting open laptop
Doise is texting open laptop
needs more combo variety tbh
when next version comes?
can someone chat
u good noise?
(dont mind the curser on screen)you better actually be a pine tree or I’m gonna report you false advertising (j/)
i am a pine tree and nothing else
bro dont be mean
bro it was a joke i added (j/) for a reason
oh sorry i did not knew what it ment
ah okay you’re fine
SLUDGE IS HERE.24 days ago hum... workin' on a big demo(or full game)
next update can you make the doise playable pls
That's why next update has been taking so long, been working on Doise. It should be ready soon!!
yay i reely been wanting to play as doise and can you add side atacks like super smash bros did i think it could be a cool thing and what is doise moveset
don't know my game never crashed
My game says this error
action number 1
of Create Event
for object obj_nekopresence:
NekoPresence init fail.
at gml_Object_obj_nekopresence_Create_0
gml_Object_obj_nekopresence_Create_0 (line -1)
what i do help
i suggest you reinstall it, if that doesnt work then i guess its just something wrong with either the code or your pc
Fake peppino's face.
what do you mean you already have a mobile port of this game-
Doise is gonna be so fun!
im exiteded
when the full game comes? or next demo
the Mort update whenn
Is there a github/gitlab repo for submitting/tracking issues? Or do we just post stuff in the comments here? Awesome work so far! Would love to help out by submitting issues and such , just wanted to verify the best way to do that.
beg number
beg number
fake peppino cant stop super jumping in the corner
sometimes the vigilante just does the mach turn and gets stuck and doesnt stop doing it even when he dies
same happend
what the noise doin
this simply shows that pizza scape is so broken
also, how the HELL DID YOU GET UP THERE???
give me a step-by-step guide pls
nvm i did it
I think there's something wrong with my Peppino
when a cpu cant see the player it enters in a hide and seek mode where he go everywhere to sometimes find you
I guess it doesn't like you... rip
I don't think this was supposed to happen...
(ignore that fact i had to take a picture with my phone)